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  1. tag to

    • ph.
      附加於; 繫於; 併入
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    • 同反義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. 附加於; 繫於; 併入 We tagged on to a party of tourists who were having a conducted tour of the house. 我們緊跟在由一位嚮導帶領的觀光團後面參觀了這座房屋。 The poem he tagged on to his speech seemed a bit forced. 他加在演說後面的那首詩, 似乎有點牽強附會。


    附加於; 繫於; 併入

    • ph.
      在...之後加上, 在...之後附加 He tagged a request for more money on to the end of his speech. 他在講話結束前附帶提出要求更多的錢。 a postscript tagged on to her letter at the end 加在她的信末尾的附言
    • ph.
      加上;附加 He tagged a request for more money on to the end of his speech. 他在講話結束前附帶提出要求更多的錢。
    • ph.
      加上;附加 He tagged a request for more money on to the end of his speech. 他在講話結束前附帶提出要求更多的錢。
    • 更多解釋


    • ph.
      加上;附加 He tagged a request for more money to the end of his speech. 他在講話結束前附帶提出要求更多的錢。


    • ph.
      加上;附加 He tagged a request for more money to the end of his speech. 他在講話結束前附帶提出要求更多的錢。