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  1. fist bump

    • n.
      a gesture of greeting or affirmation in which two people lightly tap each other's clenched fist
    • v.
      greet (someone) by lightly tapping their clenched fist with one's own
    • verb: fist-bump, 3rd person present: fist-bumps, gerund or present participle: fist-bumping, past tense: fist-bumped, past participle: fist-bumped

    • noun: fist bump, plural noun: fist bumps

    • 釋義


    • 1. a gesture of greeting or affirmation in which two people lightly tap each other's clenched fist El Duque walked in and traded a fist bump with his catcher


    • 1. greet (someone) by lightly tapping their clenched fist with one's own politicians were soon fist-bumping one another on TV chat shows two lawyers walked into the hall and fist-bumped before getting on the elevator
    • 更多解釋
    • n.
      a gesture of greeting or affirmation in which two people lightly tap each other's clenched fist: fist bumps and high fives were exchanged amongst the crowd
    • v.
      greet (someone) by lightly tapping their clenched fist with one's own: politicians were soon fist-bumping one another on TV chat shows two lawyers walked into the hall and fist-bumped before getting on the elevator

    Oxford Dictionary