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  1. give oneself over to sth.

    • ph.
      沈溺於(某種狀態); 完全獻身於某事物
    • 釋義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. 沈溺於(某種狀態); 完全獻身於某事物 After his wife's death, he seemed to give himself over to despair. 他妻子死後, 似乎萬念俱灰。 In her later years she gave herself over to writing full-time. 她晚年專事寫作。
    • ph.
      (通常用於被動語態)專為某事而使用某物 The village hall is given over to civic functions and meetings. 村子的禮堂專作舉行慶典和會議之用。 The period after supper was given over to games. 晚飯後是遊戲時間。