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    be with

    • ph.
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    • ph.
      涉及某種情況或活動, 熱中某事, 和某人關係緊密 The nation is involved with building capitalism. 國家正朝建立資本主義方向走。 She is intensely and emotionally involved with her husband's public appearances. 她緊張, 興奮得熱中參與丈夫在公共場合的露面。
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      彌漫著; 滲透著 The whole area was penetrated with terror. 整個地區彌漫著恐怖的氣氛。
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      擠滿; 滿是 The beach is crowded with people. 海灘滿是人。
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      熱戀, 著迷 He is infatuated with that girl. 他熱戀著那姑娘。
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      對...生氣 She was mad with me for coming home late. 她對我晚回家很生氣。
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      坦白說 To be perfectly frank with you. 老實對你說。
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      對...感到滿意 He is satisfied with his income. 他對他的收入很滿意。
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      布滿或充滿某物; 擠滿人 a garden thick with flowers 鮮花繁茂的花園 The building was thick with reporters. 大樓裡擠滿了記者。
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