- KK[ˋhɛd͵lɔŋ]
- DJ[ˋhedlɔŋ]
- 頭向前地;猛然地
- 頭朝前的;猛然的
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 1. 頭向前地 He plunged headlong into the river. 他一頭鑽進河裡。 The boy fell headlong. 那男孩摔了個倒栽蔥。
- 2. 猛然地 A young man rushed headlong into the crowd. 一個年輕人急匆匆用力擠進人群。
- 3. 魯莽地;輕率地 One should not rush headlong into buying stocks. 不應輕率購買股票。
- 1. 頭朝前的 He made a headlong plunge into the river. 他一頭栽進河裡。
- 2. 猛然的 They made a headlong dash for the door. 他們迅猛地向門口衝去。
- 3. 魯莽的;輕率的;(感情)奔放的 The headlong leader is forever making headlong decisions. 那個魯莽的領導人老是作輕率的決定。
ad. 頭向前地,倒栽蔥地
ad. 輕率地,魯莽地
- precipitately
- , hurriedly
- , hastily
- , abruptly
- , suddenly
- , unexpectedly
- , prematurely
- , inopportunely
- , incautiously
- , foolishly
- , unwarily
- , impetuously
- , impulsively
- , impatiently
- , rashly
- , wildly
- , recklessly
- , carelessly
- , heedlessly
- , thoughtlessly
- , slapdash
- , pell-mell
a. 倉促的,輕率的
- rash
- , precipitate
- , hasty
- , hurried
- , reckless
- , careless
- , heedless
- , thoughtless
- , pell-mell
- , brash
- , incautious
- , injudicious
- , indiscreet
- , unwary
- , abrupt
- , sudden
- , unexpected
- , premature
- , foolhardy
a. 衝動的,魯莽的,無拘束的
- impetuous
- , impulsive
- , unrestrained
- , ungoverned
- , uncontrolled
- , unchecked
- , unbridled
- , feverish
- , frantic
- , impassioned
- , foolhardy
- , daredevil
- , adventurous
- , hotheaded
- , harebrained
- , blindfolded
- , flighty
- , frivolous
- , erratic
- , dashing
- , over-confident
- , rampant
- , dangerous
- , ruinous
- , perilous
- , breakneck
a. 頭朝前的