palm off
- 拿仿品哄騙
- 相關詞
- 得勝; 獲得榮譽 Of all the teams participating in the competition, I think the Oxford team will bear off the palm. 在所有參賽隊中, 我認為牛津隊將得勝。
- 【口】將(自己不想要的人或物)勸說別人接受 They palmed their unwelcome guests off on the neighbours. 他們花言巧語哄得鄰居同意, 便把不喜歡的客人打發到他們那裡去了。
- 得勝;獲得榮譽 Of all the teams participating in the competition, I think the Oxford team will carry off the palm. 在所有參賽隊中,我認為牛津隊將得勝。
- 得勝;獲得榮譽 Of all the teams participating in the competition, I think the Oxford team will carry off the palm. 在所有參賽隊中,我認為牛津隊將得勝。
- 得勝;獲得榮譽 Of all the teams participating in the competition, I think the Oxford team will bear off the palm. 在所有參賽隊中,我認為牛津隊將得勝。
- 【口】誆騙某人接受某事物 He tried to palm me off with some excuse about the bus being late. 他托詞公共汽車晚點騙我原諒他。
- 更多解釋
- 拿仿品哄騙
- 騙賣 to palm sth. off as sth. 把某物作為某物推銷出去 to palm sth. off on/on to sb. 騙某人接受某人/某物