Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋
- 1. 棒,桿,竿[C] The rod bent as he pulled in the fish. 當他把魚拉上來時,魚竿都彎了。
- 2. 枝條,柳條[C]
- 3. (拷打用的)荊條,棍棒[C] Spare the rod, spoil the child. 不打不成器。 I knew I was in trouble when I was taken to the garage with a rod. 當我被人拿著棍棒趕到車庫時,我知道我惹下麻煩了。
- 4. 拷打,懲罰[the S] What do you think of the old saying: Spare the rod, spoil the child.? 你對孩子不打不成器這句老話有什麼看法?
- 5. 桿(長度單位,等於5.5碼)
- 6. 權杖[C]
- 7. 權力,權威;專制統治[the S]
n. 桿,棒,槍刺,棍,莖
- stick
- , staff
- , pike
- , baton
- , cane
- , alpenstock
- , crutch
- , rattan
- , sceptre
- , wand
- , standard
- , shaft
- , pole
- , post
- , bar
n. 鞭,藤,鞭打,猛列的一擊
n. 優勢,壓制,控制,掌握,規則,權威
- domination
- , suppression
- , control
- , grip
- , grasp
- , hold
- , oppression
- , authority
- , sway
- , dominion
- , sovereignty
- , supreme power
- , command
- , mastery
杆 a wood/metal rod 木杆/鐵棒 a nuclear fuel rod 核燃料棒