- scramble的動詞過去式、過去分詞
- 相關詞
- 爬行,攀爬[Q] The children scrambled over the rocks. 孩子們爬過岩石。
- 雜亂地收集,倉促湊成[(+up)] Jane scrambled up her hair. 珍匆匆梳理了一下頭髮。
- 爬行,攀登[S1] It's quite a scramble to get to the mountaintop. 費勁攀登才能到達山頂。
- scramble的名詞複數
- 爬 to scramble up/down the slope 爬上坡/爬下坡 to scramble over the rocks 爬過岩石
- 胡亂收起 the cat has scrambled my wool into a hopeless tangle 貓把我的毛線弄得一團糟
- 爬
- 攀緣,爬行,搶奪,混亂,緊急起飛攀緣,雜亂蔓延,爭奪,拼湊
- 炒蛋
- 炒蛋
- 炒蛋
- 炒蛋
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