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  1. stripped-down

    • IPA[ˌstrɪptˈdaʊn]
    • adj.
    • 相關詞
    • ph.
      拆開 He stripped the engine down and then couldn't put it together again. 他把發動機拆下來了, 但後來無法把它重新安裝上去。
    • ph.
      拆開 He stripped the engine down and then couldn't put it together. 他把機器拆開,卻無法把它再裝起來。
    • vt.
      拆卸 the soldier stripped down his rifle 那名士兵拆開了他的步槍
    • vi.
      脫掉衣服 to strip down to one's underpants 脫得只剩內褲