Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋
- 1. 虛弱;軟弱;薄弱[U] Weakness compelled him to retire early. 他因身體虛弱而較早退休。
- 2. 弱點;缺點[C] We all have our little weaknesses. 我們大家都有自己的小毛病。 Angling for compliments is one of his weaknesses. 愛聽恭維話是他的毛病之一。
- 3. 嗜好;偏愛[C][S1][(+for)] His weakness for cigarettes is detrimental to his health. 他抽菸的嗜好對他的身體有害。
n. 脆弱,虛弱,無力
- feebleness
- , puniness
- , frailty
- , frailness
- , fragility
- , delicacy
- , impotence
- , impuissance
- , powerlessness
- , helplessness
- , incapacity
- , inability
- , incapability
- , ineptitude
- , exhaustion
- , enervation
- , debility
- , infirmity
- , disability
- , decrepitude
- , senility
- , lack of strength
- , depletion of energy
- , anemia
n. 薄弱環節,缺陷,缺點
- flaw
- , fault
- , weak spot
- , underbelly
- , lapse
- , deficiency
- , defect
- , imperfection
- , mar
- , blemish
- , blotch
- , shortcoming
- , failing
- , handicap
- , vulnerability
- , liability
- , susceptibleness
- , openness
- , Achille's heel
- , chink in one's armor
- , soft underbelly
n. 愛好,嗜好,偏愛,渴望
- fondness
- , liking
- , affection
- , love
- , taste
- , appetite
- , sweet tooth
- , partiality
- , predisposition
- , leaning
- , inclination
- , proneness
- , propensity
- , penchant
- , desire
- , longing
- , yearning
- , passion
- , appreciation
- , soft spot