- IPA[bɑːˈkuː]
- relating to the remote inland area of Australia
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. Australian informal relating to the remote inland area of Australia Barcoo sickness
- an item of food that suggests the hardship and deprivation of outback life: the blokes they were feeding had lived most of their lives on Barcoo sandwiches
Oxford Dictionary
- illness marked by attacks of vomiting: he hasn't been long enough in the outback to have contracted the Barcoo sickness
Oxford Dictionary
- scurvy.
Oxford Dictionary
- an ulcer characteristic of Barcoo rot: I had one hard Barcoo sore on my right hand to begin with
Oxford Dictionary
- an improvised noise-making device used to drive sheep in the absence of a sheepdog: Barcoo dogs were rattled to keep the herd on the winding path
Oxford Dictionary