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  1. give a hand

    • ph.
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    • 1. 提供幫助 He would always give a hand to anyone in difficulty. 他總是給任何有困難的人提供幫助。
    • ph.
      幫忙..., 協助... Give me a hand with my luggage, please. 請幫我搬一下行李。
    • ph.
      【口】(通常用於否定句)幫助(做某事) He never raises a hand round the house. 家裡的事他從不幫忙。
    • ph.
      幫忙, 協助 The director wanted some of the staff to lend a hand and help with the scenery. 導演要一些人員去幫忙弄布景。 A boy scout saw a blind old man standing around the corner and rushed to lend him a hand in crossing the street. 一位男童軍看到一個瞎眼老人站在街角, 就跑過去幫他過街。
    • ph.
      【口】(通常用於否定句)幫助(做某事) He never lifts a finger round the house. 家裡的事他從不幫忙。
    • ph.
    • ph.
      幫忙 Please lend a hand with my book. 請幫我拿一下書。
    • ph.
    • ph.
      幫忙 Please lend a hand with my book. 請幫我拿一下書。
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    • ph.
      提供幫助 He would always give a hand to anyone in difficulty. 他總是給任何有困難的人提供幫助。