Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. chase about

    • ph.
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    • 1. 到處跑 Stop chasing about and sit down. 別到處亂跑, 坐下來。
    • ph.
      把...拖來拖去; 粗暴對待 Don't pull the poor boy about! 別虐待這可憐的男孩。
    • ph.
      搜尋 hounds scouring about in the copse (after the fox) 在矮樹林中追尋著(狐狸)的獵犬
    • ph.
      談論/談到 He brought out a bottle of whisky, and began to talk about old times. 他拿出一瓶威士忌酒, 開始談論起往事來。 There is an important matter I want to talk about with you. 我想和你談件重要的事。
    • ph.
      游手好閒; 尋歡作樂 I didn't do anything last summer; I just bummed about. 去年夏天我是游手好閒, 什麼正經事也沒做。
    • ph.
      夢想 Sometimes he dreamed about owning his own boat -- one even bigger than his father's -- and visiting different countries. 有時候他會夢想著擁有他自己的船-一條比他父親的船較大-同時遊覽不同的國家。
    • ph.
      到處扔; 濫用; 轉向航行 Don't throw wastepaper about. 不要到處亂扔廢紙。 I don't think you should throw your money about like this. 我看你不該這樣論花錢。
    • ph.
      (坐在或站在水裡)用手或腳濺水 children happily splashing about in the bath 在浴缸裡快活地濺著水玩的孩子
    • ph.
      【口】好奇地尋找或打聽 Why are you poking about among my papers? 你為什麼亂翻我的文件? What is she poking about for? 她摸來摸去在找什麼?
    • ph.
      知道關於...的情形 I don't know about that matter. 我不知道那件事。 We knew about it long ago. 這件事我們早就聽說了。
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