1. a room, group of rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay
- housing
- , lodging(s)
- , living quarters
- , quarters
- , rooms
- , chambers
- , place
- , place to stay
- , billet
- , shelter
- , board
- , a roof over one's head
- , digs
- , pad
- , abode
- , residence
- , place of residence
- , dwelling
- , dwelling place
- , habitation
2. the available space for occupants in a building, vehicle, or vessel
3. a convenient arrangement; a settlement or compromise
4. the process of adapting or adjusting to someone or something
- adjustment
- , adaptation
- , attunement
- , fitting in
- , habituation
- , acclimatization
- , acclimation
- , acculturation
- , inurement
- , hardening
- , seasoning
- , conditioning
- , familiarization
- , assimilation
- , integration
- , domestication
- , naturalization