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  1. actual

    • IPA[ˈak(t)ʃʊəl]


    • adj.
      existing in fact; real;used to emphasize the important aspect of something
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    • 1. existing in fact; real the estimate was much less than the actual cost
    • used to emphasize the important aspect of something the book could be condensed into half the space, but what of the actual content?
    • 2. existing now; current using actual income to measure expected income
    • ph.
      the real, genuine, or important thing specified

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      minor injury, such as bruising, inflicted on a person by the deliberate action of another, ...

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      used to emphasize a comment that modifies or contradicts a previous statement

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      used to emphasize a comment, typically one that modifies or contradicts a previous statement

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈak(t)SH(əw)əl]


    • adj.
      existing in fact; typically as contrasted with what was intended, expected, or believed: the estimate was much less than the actual cost those were his actual words

    Oxford American Dictionary