Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. once and again

    • ph.
      重複的, 再三的
    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. 重複的, 再三的 I've told you once and again, he is not my cousin. 我告訴過你好幾遍了, 他不是我表哥。 He made me swear to him, once and again, that I would never run away from home. 他叫我一遍又一遍地對他發誓, 再也不離家出走。


    重複的, 再三的

    • ph.
      (從頭)再一次 He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself. 他幹的太差勁了, 我只好親自重做。
    • ph.
      反復地, 屢次地, 一再地, 再三地 I've told you again and again not to do that. 我三番五次地告訴過你, 不要做那種事。 He made the same mistake again and again. 他一再地犯同樣的錯誤。
    • ph.
      (比...)多一倍 I have as many books again as he does. 我的書比他的多一倍。
    • ph.
      (需要一杯同剛剛喝過的飲料相同的飲料)再來一杯 Same again, please! 請再來一杯!
    • ph.
      (用以談起另一方面的情況)但另一方面, 然而 He's clumsy and untidy but then again he's always willing to help. 他笨手笨腳又邋遢; 可是話說回來, 他總是樂於助人。 The villa is beautiful, but then again, I expected nothing less. 別墅很美, 不過話又說回來, 這也是意料中事。
    • ph.
      (比...)多一倍 I have $10, but I need as much again to buy a dictionary. 我有10美元, 但買一本辭典我需要比這多一倍的錢。
    • ph.
      再見。 I'll see you again. 我們會再見面。 So long, my friend. I'll see you again. 朋友, 再見。我們會再見面的。
    • ph.
      屢次;一再 He really fed me up by borrowing money from me time and again. 他一再向我借錢,讓我受不了。
    • ph.
      再三地 I warned her again and again. 我一再警告她。
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