Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. agree

    • IPA[əˈɡrē]


    • v.
      have the same opinion about something; concur;approve of (something) with regard to its moral correctness
    • verb: agree, 3rd person present: agrees, gerund or present participle: agreeing, past tense: agreed, past participle: agreed

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    • adj.
      discussed or negotiated and then accepted by all parties: the agreed date

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      discussed or negotiated and then accepted by all parties: the agreed time the agreed upon percentage

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      cease to argue about something because neither party will compromise or be persuaded

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      cease to argue about something because neither party will compromise or be persuaded

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      discussed and agreed in advance: you have the right to sell your stock at a pre-agreed price

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[əˈɡriː]


    • v.
      have the same opinion about something; concur: I completely agree with your recent editorial we both agreed on issues such as tougher penalties for criminals

    Oxford Dictionary