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  1. angle

    • IPA[ˈaNGɡ(ə)l]


    • n.
      the space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet;a corner, especially an external projection or an internal recess of a part of a building or other structure
    • v.
      direct or incline at an angle;move or be inclined at an angle
    • noun: angle, plural noun: angles

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    • 1. the space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet in any triangle, the longest side is opposite the largest angle spring-loaded hinges open the doors to any angle up to 90°
    • a corner, especially an external projection or an internal recess of a part of a building or other structure a skylight in the angle of the roof 同義詞 corner, intersection, point, apex, cusp, ... 更多
    • slope; a measure of the inclination of two lines or surfaces with respect to each other, equal to the amount that one would have to be turned in order to point in the same direction as the other sloping at an angle of 33° to the horizontal he trudged back, the angle of his shoulders spelling dejection 同義詞 gradient, slant, inclination, geometrical relation
    • a position from which something is viewed or along which it travels or acts, typically as measured by its inclination from an implicit horizontal or vertical baseline from this angle Maggie could not see Naomi's face camera angles
    • 2. a particular way of approaching or considering an issue or problem discussing the problems from every conceivable angle he always had a fresh angle on life 同義詞 perspective, way of looking at something, point of view, viewpoint, standpoint, ... 更多
    • one part of a larger subject, event, or problem a prosecutor who downplayed the racial angle his chosen angle was the language of the Old Testament
    • a bias or point of view Zimmer saw the world from an angle that few could understand
    • 3. each of the four mundane houses (the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth of the twelve divisions of the heavens) that extend counterclockwise from the cardinal points of the compass.
    • 4. angle iron or a similar construction material made of another metal the supporting frame is usually of aluminum angle bolted together


    • 1. direct or incline at an angle he angled his chair so that he could watch her Anna angled her camera toward the tree 同義詞 tilt, slant, point, direct, aim, ... 更多
    • move or be inclined at an angle the cab angled across two lanes and skidded to a stop the sun angled into the dining room
    • present (information) to reflect a particular view or have a particular focus angle your answer so that it is relevant to the job for which you are applying 同義詞 present, slant, give a particular slant to, orient, skew, ... 更多
    • adj.
      placed or inclined at an angle to something else: he sent an angled shot into the net

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      placed or inclined at an angle to something else: he sent an angled shot into the net a sharply angled flight of stairs

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      the sport or pastime of fishing with a rod and line: an angling club an angling license

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      the sport or pastime of fishing with a rod and line: recreation such as walking, boating, and angling an angling club

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈaŋɡl]


    • n.
      the space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close ... in any triangle, the longest side is opposite the largest angle spring-loaded hinges open the doors to any angle up to 90°
    • v.
      direct or incline at an angle: he angled his chair so that he could watch her

    Oxford Dictionary

    • IPA[ˈaNGɡ(ə)l]


    • v.
      fish with rod and line: there are no big fish left to angle for
    • n.
      a fishhook: you will be pleased too, if you find a Trout at one of our Angles

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • IPA[ˈaŋɡl]


    • v.
      fish with a rod and line: there are no big fish left to angle for
    • n.
      a fish hook: you will be pleased too, if you find a Trout at one of our Angles

    Oxford Dictionary

    • IPA[ˈaNGɡ(ə)l]


    • n.
      a member of a Germanic people, originally inhabitants of what is now Schleswig-Holstein, who ... the Angles and Saxons from modern-day Denmark and Germany began landing in eastern England

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • IPA[ˈaŋɡl]


    • n.
      a member of a Germanic people, originally inhabitants of what is now Schleswig-Holstein, who ... the Angles and Saxons from modern-day Denmark and Germany began landing in eastern England

    Oxford Dictionary