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  1. as-is

    • a. &
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    • 相關詞

    a. &

    • 1. 正如現狀(的);不加改變(的) This car is sold as-is. 這部車就照現狀賣。
    • ph.


    • ph.
      照現狀看, 看樣子 We were hoping to have a holiday next week -- as it is, we may not be able to get away. 我們原來盼望著下星期放假--看樣子走不了了。 I thought I might be transferred, but as it is, I shall have to look for a new job. 我以為我可能調動工作, 照目前情況看我得另找工作了。
    • ph.
      (用以評斷自己用詞是否恰當, 指詞義接近而已)可以說; 在某種程度上 She seemed very relaxed -- in her natural setting as it were. 她似乎十分悠然自得--可以說是有自己隨遇而安的天地。 He'd been watching the water rising for two hours -- preparing to meet his destiny, as it were -- before help arrived. 他在獲救前的兩小時中, 一直眼看著水在上漲--可謂準備聽天由命了。
    • ph.
      為某目的或用途而製造或計劃 This course is designed as an introduction to the subject. 這門課程是作為該科目的入門課而開設的。
    • ph.
      普遍稱為或當作是某人/某事物 He is reputed as the best surgeon in Paris. 他是公認的巴黎最好的外科醫生。
    • ph.
      在目前情況下 As things now are, it is not safe to live here. 照目前的形勢看來, 住在此地是不安全的。
    • ph.
      被稱為;以……為名;被認為是…… The New York City is also known as the Big Apple. 紐約市又被稱為大蘋果。
    • ph.
      照目前情況 As things are, we can finish the work in another week. 照目前情況來看,再過一星期我們就可完工。
    • ph.
      照目前情況 As things are, we can finish the work in another week. 照目前情況來看,再過一星期我們就可完工。
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