1. the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience
- power
- , jurisdiction
- , command
- , control
- , mastery
- , charge
- , dominance
- , dominion
- , rule
- , sovereignty
- , ascendancy
- , supremacy
- , domination
- , influence
- , sway
- , the upper hand
- , leverage
- , hold
- , grip
- , clout
- , pull
- , muscle
- , teeth
- , drag
2. the right to act in a specified way, delegated from one person or organization to another
3. official permission; sanction
- authorization
- , permission
- , consent
- , leave
- , sanction
- , licence
- , dispensation
- , assent
- , acquiescence
- , agreement
- , approval
- , seal of approval
- , approbation
- , endorsement
- , imprimatur
- , clearance
- , the go-ahead
- , the thumbs up
- , the OK
- , the green light
- , say-so
- , permit
4. a person or organization having political or administrative power and control
- officials
- , officialdom
- , the people in charge
- , the government
- , the administration
- , the establishment
- , the bureaucracy
- , the system
- , the police
- , the powers that be
- , the (men in) suits
- , Big Brother
5. the power to influence others, especially because of one's commanding manner or one's recognized knowledge about something
- power
- , jurisdiction
- , command
- , control
- , mastery
- , charge
- , dominance
- , dominion
- , rule
- , sovereignty
- , ascendancy
- , supremacy
- , domination
- , influence
- , sway
- , the upper hand
- , leverage
- , hold
- , grip
- , clout
- , pull
- , muscle
- , teeth
- , drag
6. a person with extensive or specialized knowledge about a subject; an expert
- influence
- , sway
- , control
- , leverage
- , power
- , command
- , weight
- , reputation
- , standing
- , kudos
- , status
- , stature
- , prestige
- , gravitas
- , image
- , esteem
- , supremacy
- , superiority
- , eminence
- , rank
- , position
- , station
- , credibility
- , plausibility
- , integrity
- , acceptance
- , trust
- , faith
- , confidence
- , clout
- , pull
- , drag
7. a book or other source able to supply reliable information or evidence