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  1. pass away

    • ph.
      終止, 停止;(委婉語)去世
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    • 1. 終止, 停止 As soon as the sun comes out, the mist will pass away. 太陽一出來, 霧就會消失。
    • 2. (委婉語)去世 Grandpa passed away last night at midnight. 祖父昨晚子時過世。 The old man passed away peacefully. 老人安詳地去世了。
    • 3. 消磨(時間等) Ten days passed away and still there was no news about them. 十天過去了, 但仍然沒有他們的消息。


    終止, 停止

    • ph.
      收藏 They stow it away in a drawer. 他們把它收藏在抽屜裡。
    • ph.
      放好, 歸位; 儲存 Put away tea things in the cupboard. 把茶具放到櫥櫃裡去。 Put away your tools after work. 工作完畢把你的工具收拾好。
    • ph.
      磨損, 磨去, 磨薄; 用壞 Wind and rain wore away the sharp ridges of these mountains. 風雨磨平了這些山脊。 The grass has worn away from the path near the house. 靠近房屋的走道上的草已被踩光了。
    • ph.
      爭論不休 They argued away yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午他們一直爭個沒完。
    • ph.
      開始不停地射擊; 開始 The soldiers began shooting away at the enemy positions. 戰士們開始向敵人的陣地不停地射擊。
    • ph.
      侵蝕 Rust is eating away the iron hinge. 鐵鏽正腐蝕著鐵鉸鏈。
    • ph.
      融化 The snow melted away at noon. 中午雪融化了。
    • ph.
      爛掉 The old cat's teeth have all rotted away and he can't bite. 老貓的牙齒全都壞掉了, 它都不會咬東西了。 The shed had fallen in, and the wood was rotten away. 棚屋已塌陷, 木頭在腐爛。
    • ph.
      排去; 流掉 They are digging trenches to drain the water away. 他們正在掘溝排水。 Her life was slowly draining away. 她的生命力在慢慢枯竭(她快死了)。
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