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  1. bare

    • IPA[beə(r)]



    • adj.
    • vt.
      裸露; 袒露
    • 過去式:bared 過去分詞:bared 現在分詞:baring

    • 比較級:barer 最高級:barest

    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 裸露的 to walk with bare feet 赤腳走路 to sit in the sun with one's head bare 不戴帽坐在太陽底下
    • 2. 無遮蓋的 to strip sth. down to the bare bones 去除某事物的枝節 bare walls 沒有裝飾的牆壁
    • 3. 空的 the burglars stripped the house bare 竊賊將房子洗劫一空
    • 4. 光禿禿的 a barren landscape which was bare of almost every sign of life 幾乎毫無生命跡象的不毛之地
    • 5. 僅僅的 a bare 3%/20 dollars 僅僅3%/區區20美元 to last a bare 30 seconds 持續了只不過30秒鐘
    • 6. 剛夠的 the bare minimum 最低限度 the bare essentials or necessities 最低限度的必需品
    • 7. 不加掩飾的


    • 1. 裸露; 袒露 to bare one's teeth 齜牙咧嘴 to bare one's head 脫帽致敬


    1. (of a person or part of the body) not clothed or covered

    2. without the appropriate, usual, or natural covering

    3. without the appropriate or usual contents

    4. devoid of; without

    5. without addition; basic and simple

    6. surprisingly small in number or amount


    「1. (of a person or part of the body) not clothed or covered」的反義字

    「2. without the appropriate, usual, or natural covering」的反義字

    「3. without the appropriate or usual contents」的反義字

    「4. devoid of; without」的反義字

    「5. surprisingly small in number or amount」的反義字