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  1. beard

    • IPA[bɪəd]


    • n.
      a growth of hair on the chin and lower cheeks of a man's face;a tuft of hair on the chin of certain mammals, for example a lion or goat.
    • v.
      boldly confront or challenge (someone formidable)
    • noun: beard, plural noun: beards

    • 釋義
    • 片語


    • 1. a growth of hair on the chin and lower cheeks of a man's face he had a black beard three days' growth of beard
    • a tuft of hair on the chin of certain mammals, for example a lion or goat.
    • an animal's growth or marking that is likened to a beard, for example the gills of an oyster, or the beak bristles of certain birds.
    • a tuft of hairs or bristles on certain plants, especially the awn of a grass.
    • 2. US informal a person who carries out a transaction, typically a bet, for someone else in order to conceal the other's identity the beard permitted the manipulator to protect the odds
    • 3. North American informal a woman who accompanies a gay man as an escort to a social occasion, in order to help conceal his homosexuality the closeted male and his female ‘beard


    • 1. boldly confront or challenge (someone formidable) he was afraid to beard the sultan himself