- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 舉止,風度;體態[S][U] She is a girl of noble bearing. 她是一個舉止端莊的姑娘。
- 2. 關係,關聯[S][U][(+on)] What you have said has no bearing on the subject under discussion. 你所說的話與正在討論的問題沒有關係。
- 3. (機器的)軸承[C]
- 4. 方位,方向;方向感[P] The sailors lost their bearings last night. 昨夜水手們迷失了方向。
- 5. 忍耐,忍受[U] His behavior was beyond bearing. 他的行為令人忍無可忍。
- 6. 生育,生育期;結果實,結果實期[U][C] The tree is in full bearing. 這棵樹果實纍纍。
- 7. 壓力,推力[U]
- 8. 意思[U] I'm not clear about the precise bearing of the word in this passage. 我說不準這個字在這段文章裡的確切意義是什麼。
- 9. 方面[C] This question must be considered in all its bearings. 這個問題必須從各方面加以考慮。
- 10. bear的動詞現在分詞、動名詞
- (構成形容詞)表示含有……(物質)的(如:oil-bearing rock含油岩,oxygen-bearing含氧的)
- 熊;似熊的動物
- 透過賣空使行情下跌
- 做空頭
- 賣空的,行情下跌的[Z][B]
- 支持,承受;承擔 Mrs. Ann Bader bears all expenses. 安妮‧巴德太太承擔一切費用。
- 承受重量(或壓力) Those bamboo beams will not bear. 這幾根竹製的橫樑承受不住壓力。
- 鑽孔;挖井(或通道) They were boring for water. 他們在鑿井取水。
- 鑽;挖;鑿 They were taught how to bore rivet holes in the sides of ships. 有人教他們如何在船的舷側鑽鉚孔。
- (鑽成的)孔
- 使厭煩,煩擾[(+with)] This book bores me. 這本書令我生厭。
- 令人討厭的人[C] I think he is a dreadful bore. 我認為他是個極為討厭的人。
- (由河口湧上來的)激潮,怒潮[C]
- bear的名詞複數
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