- IPA[ˈbiːɪŋ]
- existence;being alive; living
- present participle of be
noun: being, plural noun: beings
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. existence the railway brought many towns into being the single market came into being in 1993 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ being alive; living holism promotes a unified way of being
- 2. the nature or essence of a person sometimes one aspect of our being has been developed at the expense of the others 同義詞
- 3. a real or imaginary living creature or entity, especially an intelligent one alien beings a rational being 同義詞
- 1. present participle of be
- exist: there are no easy answers there once was a man
- used with a present participle to form continuous tenses: they are coming he had been reading
Oxford American Dictionary
- exist: there are no easy answers there once was a man
- used with a present participle to form continuous tenses: they are coming he had been reading
Oxford Dictionary
- (forming verbs) all over; all round: bespatter
Oxford American Dictionary
- (forming verbs) all over; all round: bespatter
Oxford Dictionary
- Bachelor of Education.
Oxford American Dictionary
- Isaiah (in biblical references).
Oxford American Dictionary
- Isaiah (in biblical references).
Oxford Dictionary
- Bachelor of Education.
Oxford Dictionary
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
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- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈbēiNG]
- existence: the railroad brought many towns into being the single market came into being in 1993
- present participle of be
Oxford American Dictionary