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  1. blowhole

    • IPA[ˈblōˌhōl]


    • n.
      the nostril of a whale or dolphin on the top of its head.;a hole in ice to which seals, whales, and other aquatic animals come to breathe.
    • noun: blowhole, plural noun: blowholes

    • 釋義


    • 1. the nostril of a whale or dolphin on the top of its head.
    • a hole in ice to which seals, whales, and other aquatic animals come to breathe.
    • a vent for air or smoke in a tunnel or other structure.
    • a cavity in a metal casting, produced by the escape of air through the liquid metal.
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    • IPA[ˈbləʊhəʊl]


    • n.
      the nostril of a whale or dolphin on the top of its head.

    Oxford Dictionary