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  1. bluff charge

    • n.
    • 釋義


    • 1. 佯裝衝刺 That lion made a rush for the zebra, then stopped short all of a sudden and turned away. This kind of behavior is called bluff charge. 那頭獅子往一隻斑馬衝過去,然後突然停在中途,便轉身離去。這種行為就叫作佯裝衝刺。
    • 更多解釋
    • n.
      佯裝衝刺 That lion made a rush for the zebra, then stopped short all of a sudden and turned away. This kind of behavior is called bluff charge. 那頭獅子往一隻斑馬衝過去,然後突然停在中途,便轉身離去。這種行為就叫作佯裝衝刺。