- IPA[ˈbo͝ozəm]
- a woman's chest;a woman's breast.
- (of a friend) close or intimate
noun: bosom, plural noun: bosoms
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. a woman's chest her ample bosom the dress offered a fair display of bosom 同義詞
- ▪ a woman's breast.
- ▪ a part of a woman's dress covering the chest she had plucked the brooch from her bosom
- ▪ the space between a person's clothing and chest used for carrying things he carried a letter in his bosom
- ▪ the loving care and protection of Bruno went home each night to the bosom of his family 同義詞
- ▪ used to refer to the chest as the seat of emotions quivering dread was settling in her bosom 同義詞
- 1. (of a friend) close or intimate the two girls had become bosom friends
- a very close or intimate friend: it's clear that Jeff and Tom are bosom buddies from way back
Oxford Dictionary
- a very close or intimate friend: from that moment on we were bosom pals
Oxford Dictionary
- a very close or intimate friend: we have been bosom friends for years
Oxford Dictionary
- a person whom one has supported but now behaves treacherously towards one
Oxford Dictionary
- a person who betrays those who have helped them
Oxford American Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈbʊz(ə)m]
- a woman's chest or breasts: her ample bosom the dress offered a fair display of bosom
- (of a friend) very close or intimate: the two girls had become bosom friends
Oxford Dictionary