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  1. breakable

    • IPA[ˈbrākəb(ə)l]


    • adj.
      capable of breaking or being broken easily
    • plural
      things which are fragile and easily broken
    • noun: breakable, plural noun: breakables

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    • 相關詞


    • 1. capable of breaking or being broken easily breakable ornaments an encrypted password isn't easily breakable


    • 1. things which are fragile and easily broken breakables, like china, should be padded thoroughly and placed in smaller boxes
    • adj.
      not breaking or being broken easily: non-breakable plastic bottles

    Oxford Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈbreɪkəbl]


    • adj.
      capable of breaking or being broken easily: breakable ornaments an encrypted password isn't easily breakable
    • plural
      things which are fragile and easily broken: breakables, like china, should be padded thoroughly and placed in smaller boxes

    Oxford Dictionary