1. active and energetic
- quick
- , rapid
- , fast
- , swift
- , speedy
- , fleet-footed
- , hasty
- , hurried
- , urgent
- , energetic
- , lively
- , vigorous
- , sharp
- , agile
- , nimble
- , spry
- , sprightly
- , spirited
- , nippy
- , snappy
- , alacritous
- , busy
- , bustling
- , active
- , vibrant
- , hectic
- , good
2. showing a wish to deal with things quickly; slightly brusque
- no-nonsense
- , decisive
- , businesslike
- , brusque
- , abrupt
- , short
- , sharp
- , curt
- , crisp
- , blunt
- , terse
- , snappy
- , snappish
- , gruff
- , rude
- , discourteous
- , uncivil
3. (of wind or the weather) cold but pleasantly invigorating
- bracing
- , fresh
- , crisp
- , invigorating
- , refreshing
- , reviving
- , stimulating
- , rousing
- , enlivening
- , exhilarating
- , energizing
- , restorative
- , tonic
- , vitalizing
- , healthful
- , health-giving
- , sharp
- , biting
- , keen
- , chilly
- , cold
- , nippy
「1. active and energetic」的反義字