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  1. next but one

    • ph.
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    • 1. 下下個 Take the next turning but one on your left. 在下下個路口向左轉。
    • ph.
      (用以談起另一方面的情況)但另一方面, 然而 He's clumsy and untidy but then again he's always willing to help. 他笨手笨腳又邋遢; 可是話說回來, 他總是樂於助人。 The villa is beautiful, but then again, I expected nothing less. 別墅很美, 不過話又說回來, 這也是意料中事。
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      雖然 The boy is very healthy -- not but that he will catch colds sometimes. 這男孩很健康, 雖然有時候也感冒。
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      只得 She could not choose but leave her children at home. 她只好把孩子們留在家裡。
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      不得不 I cannot help but do so. 我不得不這樣做。
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      第二個 Take the first turning but one on your left. 在第二個路口向左轉。
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      不僅..., 而且 Some terrorists are not merely anti-America, but anti-Westerners as well. 一些恐怖分子不僅是反美國, 而且反西方人。 He not merely let the beggar in but also fixed him a big meal. 他不但讓這個乞丐進去, 而且為他做了一頓大餐。
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      進展緩慢但平穩 Slowly but surely the great ship glided into the water. 那艘巨輪緩慢而平穩地下水了。
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      從錯誤和失敗吸取重要教訓 The divorce left him a sadder but wiser man. 他離婚是吃一塹長一智。
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      倒數第二 I live in the last house but one in this street. 我住在這條街上倒數第二座房子裡。
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