- IPA[ˈkôliNG]
- the loud cries or shouts of an animal or person;a strong urge toward a particular way of life or career; a vocation
noun: calling, plural noun: callings
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. the loud cries or shouts of an animal or person the calling of a cuckoo
- 2. a strong urge toward a particular way of life or career; a vocation those who have a special calling to minister to others' needs 同義詞
- ▪ a profession or occupation he considered engineering one of the highest possible callings 同義詞
- give (a baby or animal) a specified name: they called their daughter Hannah
- a cry made as a summons or to attract someone's attention: a nearby fisherman heard their calls for help in response to the call, a figure appeared
Oxford Dictionary
- give (an infant or animal) a specified name: they called their daughter Hannah
- a cry made as a summons or to attract someone's attention: a nearby fisherman heard their calls for help in response to the call, a figure appeared
Oxford American Dictionary
- a card bearing a person's name and address, sent or left in lieu of a formal social or ...
Oxford Dictionary
- a card bearing a person's name and address, sent or left in lieu of a formal social or ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- a doorbell.
Oxford Dictionary
- abusive language or insults: the party's internal bickering and name-calling
Oxford Dictionary
- abusive language or insults: the party's internal bickering and name-calling
Oxford American Dictionary
- used to convey that the criticisms a person is aiming at someone else could equally well apply ...
Oxford Dictionary
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