- IPA[ˈkeəlɪs]
- 粗心的;不擔憂的; 不關心的
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 1. 粗心的 a careless mistake 粗心造成的錯誤 it was careless of her to leave the book on the bus 她太粗心,把書忘在了公交車上
- 2. 不擔憂的; 不關心的 to do sth. careless of the risks 做某事不計風險 she dresses with a careless elegance 她的穿著透出一種不事雕琢的雅致
1. not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors
- inattentive
- , incautious
- , negligent
- , remiss
- , forgetful
- , absent-minded
- , heedless
- , irresponsible
- , impetuous
- , reckless
- , sloppy
- , couldn't care less
- , slap-happy
- , shoddy
- , slapdash
- , slipshod
- , scrappy
- , slovenly
- , unconsidered
- , amateurish
- , lax
- , slack
- , wild
- , disorganized
- , hasty
- , hurried
- , perfunctory
- , cursory
- , thrown together
- , sketchy
- , hit-or-miss
- , inaccurate
- , imprecise
- , inexact
- , incorrect
- , wrong
- , erroneous
- , error-ridden
- , scatterbrained
- , half-arsed
- , thoughtless
- , unthinking
- , insensitive
- , indiscreet
- , unguarded
- , ill-advised
- , ill-considered
- , ill-thought-out
- , unwise
- , misguided
- , inadvertent
- , rash
- , foolhardy
- , spur-of-the-moment
- , hare-brained
- , negligent in
- , mindless of
- , heedless of
- , improvident about
- , unconcerned about
- , indifferent to
- , oblivious to
- , reckless about
- , remiss in
- , slapdash about
- , slipshod about
- , frivolous about
- , sloppy in
- , messy in
2. showing no interest or effort; casual
- unstudied
- , artless
- , casual
- , effortless
- , unconcerned
- , nonchalant
- , insouciant
- , languid
- , leisurely
- , informal
- , couldn't-care-less
「1. not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors」的反義字