Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. carry away

    • ph.
      拿走, 搬走;搶走; 沖走; 捲走
    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 拿走, 搬走 She carried the rubbish away. 她把垃圾搬走。
    • 2. 搶走; 沖走; 捲走 The bridge was carried away by the flood. 這座橋被洪水衝走。
    • 3. 致...死亡 He was carried away by a heart attack. 他因心臟病發作而死去。
    • 4. 使激動而失去自制力; 吸引住 The match was so wonderful that he was totally carried away. 比賽十分精彩, 令他興奮不已。 He was carried away by his enthusiasm. 他被熱情所驅使, 忘了形。


    拿走, 搬走