cast off
- discard something unwanted or undesirable;exclude someone from a relationship
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. discard something unwanted or undesirable
- 2. exclude someone from a relationship
- 3. take the stitches off the needle by looping each over the next to finish the edge
- 4. set a boat or ship free from her moorings
- 5. (of a boat or ship) be set free from her moorings
- 6. let loose a hunting hound or hawk
- 7. estimate the space that will be taken in print by manuscript copy
- no longer wanted; abandoned or discarded: a pile of cast-off clothes
- something, especially a garment, that is no longer wanted: I'm not going out in her cast-offs!
Oxford Dictionary
- exclude someone from a relationship
Oxford American Dictionary
- exclude someone from a relationship
Oxford Dictionary
- take the stitches off the needle by looping each over the next to finish the edge
Oxford American Dictionary
- take the stitches off the needle by looping each over the next to finish the edge
Oxford Dictionary
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