1. (with reference to a part of the body) make or become sore by rubbing against something
- abrade
- , graze
- , grate
- , rub against
- , rub painfully
- , gall
- , skin
- , scrape
- , scratch
- , rasp
- , inflame
- , excoriate
2. (of an object) rub abrasively against another
- abrade
- , graze
- , grate
- , rub against
- , rub painfully
- , gall
- , skin
- , scrape
- , scratch
- , rasp
- , inflame
- , excoriate
3. rub (a part of the body) to restore warmth or sensation
4. become or make annoyed or impatient because of a restriction or inconvenience
- be impatient
- , be angry
- , be annoyed
- , be irritated
- , be incensed
- , be exasperated
- , be frustrated
- , fume
- , brood
- , fuss
- , upset oneself
- , blow one's top
- , blow a fuse