- IPA[ˈtʃapl]
- a small building or room used for Christian worship in a school, prison, hospital, or large private house;a part of a large church or cathedral with its own altar and dedication
- belonging to or regularly attending a Nonconformist chapel
noun: chapel, plural noun: chapels
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. a small building or room used for Christian worship in a school, prison, hospital, or large private house a service in the chapel
- ▪ a part of a large church or cathedral with its own altar and dedication the first chapel on the right of the cathedral is dedicated to St Ludmila
- ▪ British a place of worship for Nonconformist congregations she went to chapel twice on Sunday
- ▪ a small building or room used for funeral services the funeral was in the chapel at Broadfoot Brothers Funeral Home
- ▪ US a chapel of rest.
- 2. British the members or branch of a print or newspaper trade union at a particular place of work Mr Brind was the head of the BBC's NUJ chapel
- 1. British informal belonging to or regularly attending a Nonconformist chapel staunch chapel folk
- a chapel in a royal palace.
Oxford Dictionary
- a subsidiary chapel opening off the side aisle in a large church.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a chapel in the Vatican, built in the late 15th century by Pope Sixtus IV, containing a painted ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- a chapel in a church or cathedral dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a subsidiary chapel opening off the side aisle in a large church.
Oxford Dictionary
- a town in north central North Carolina, home to the University of North Carolina as well as ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary in a church or cathedral, typically to the east of the ...
Oxford Dictionary
- a chapel in the Vatican, built in the late 15th century by Pope Sixtus IV, containing a painted ...
Oxford Dictionary
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- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈCHap(ə)l]
- a small building for Christian worship, typically one attached to an institution or private house: a service in the chapel attendance at chapel was compulsory
Oxford American Dictionary