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  1. clarify

    • IPA[ˈklarɪfʌɪ]


    • v.
      make (a statement or situation) less confused and more comprehensible;melt (butter) in order to separate out the water and milk solids
    • verb: clarify, 3rd person present: clarifies, gerund or present participle: clarifying, past tense: clarified, past participle: clarified

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    • n.
      butter from which water and milk solids have been removed, so that only the butterfat remains: this sauce uses clarified butter instead of oil, which gives it a nuttier taste

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      butter from which water and milk solids have been removed, so that only the butterfat remains: this sauce uses clarified butter instead of oil, which gives it a nuttier taste

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈklerəˌfī]


    • v.
      make (a statement or situation) less confused and more clearly comprehensible: the report managed to clarify the government's position

    Oxford American Dictionary