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  1. clean

    • IPA[kliːn]



    • adj.
      乾淨的; 吃光盤中的食物; 我是清白的;愛乾淨的
    • n.
    • adv.
    • vt.
    • vi.
    • 過去式:cleaned 過去分詞:cleaned 現在分詞:cleaning

    • 比較級:cleaner 最高級:cleanest

    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 片語


    • 1. 乾淨的; 吃光盤中的食物; 我是清白的 clean air 清潔的空氣 a clean wound 未感染的傷口
    • 2. 愛乾淨的 it's not very clean to drink out of somebody else's glass 用別人的杯子喝不太衛生
    • 3. 無污染的 a clean fuel 清潔燃料
    • 4. 空白的
    • 5. 不下流的 the evening was all good clean fun 這臺晚會文明有趣
    • 6. 清白的 a clean driving licence 無違章記錄的駕照 I've checked him out: he's clean 我已經查過他了,他沒有前科
    • 7. 沒有違禁品的 I've searched him, and he's clean 我搜了他的身,他沒有攜帶違禁品
    • 8. 不再吸毒的
    • 9. 守規則的 a clean tackle 正當的阻截
    • 10. 乾淨利落的
    • 11. 邊緣平整的; 徹底的決裂 a clean break 整齊的骨折
    • 12. 流暢勻稱的 the car's clean lines 那輛車流暢的線條


    • 1. 清掃 to give sth. a clean 清掃某物 to give the room a clean 打掃房間


    • 1. 完全地 to come clean (with sb.) (about sth.) (向某人)和盤托出(某事) I've got to come clean with you: I was the one who told him 我得跟你說實話:是我告訴他的


    • 1. 把…弄乾淨 to clean the room 打掃房間 to clean the blackboard 擦黑板
    • 2. 清除…的內臟


    • 1. 打掃
    • 2. 變乾淨 these brass handles don't clean very easily 這些黃銅把手不容易弄乾淨


    1. free from dirt, marks, or stains

    2. (of paper) not yet marked by writing or drawing

    3. free from pollutants or unpleasant substances

    4. morally uncontaminated; pure; innocent

    5. played or done according to the rules

    6. (of a person) not taking or having taken drugs or alcohol

    7. having a simple, well-defined, and pleasing shape

    8. (of an action) smoothly and skilfully done


    「1. free from dirt, marks, or stains」的反義字

    「2. (of paper) not yet marked by writing or drawing」的反義字

    「3. free from pollutants or unpleasant substances」的反義字

    「4. morally uncontaminated; pure; innocent」的反義字

    「5. played or done according to the rules」的反義字

    「6. having a simple, well-defined, and pleasing shape」的反義字

    「7. (of an action) smoothly and skilfully done」的反義字