Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. close

    • IPA[klōz]


    • v.
      move or cause to move so as to cover an opening;block up (a hole or opening)
    • n.
      the end of an event or of a period of time or activity;the end of a day's trading on a stock market
    • verb: close, 3rd person present: closes, gerund or present participle: closing, past tense: closed, past participle: closed

    • noun: close

    • 釋義
    • 片語



    • 1. the end of an event or of a period of time or activity the afternoon drew to a close
    • the end of a day's trading on a stock market at the close the Dow Jones average was down 13.52 points
    • the conclusion of a phrase; a cadence.
    • 2. the shutting of something, especially a door the door jerked to a close behind them