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  1. cold

    • IPA[kəʊld]



    • adj.
      寒冷的; 冷的; 冰涼的;給人冷感的
    • n.
      寒冷; 重新得寵; 不再被冷落;感冒
    • adv.
    • 名詞複數:colds

    • 比較級:colder 最高級:coldest

    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 寒冷的; 冷的; 冰涼的 cold water 冷水 a cold shower 冷水浴
    • 2. 給人冷感的 blue is a cold colour 藍色是冷色 the light is too cold 這種光線給人的感覺太冷了
    • 3. 冷酷的; 冷漠的; 冷冰冰的 to be cold to or towards sb. 對某人冷淡 to leave sb. cold 激不起某人的興趣
    • 4. 冷靜的
    • 5. 過時的; 已變淡的 the trail has gone cold 蹤跡已變淡
    • 6. 猜得離譜的; 遠離目標的 you're getting colder! 你越猜越離譜!
    • 7. 屍體變涼的 she was already cold when they found her 當他們找到她時,她的屍體已經涼了


    • 1. 寒冷; 重新得寵; 不再被冷落 the cold of winter 冬天的嚴寒 this plant doesn't like the cold 這種植物不耐寒
    • 2. 感冒 to have or get or catch a cold 患感冒


    • 1. 無準備地 they tried to play the piece cold 他們嘗試不排練就演奏這支曲子
    • 2. 完全地 his final request stopped her cold 他最後的請求讓她不知所措


    1. of or at a low or relatively low temperature, especially when compared with the human body

    2. (of a person) feeling uncomfortably cold

    3. lacking affection or warmth of feeling; unemotional


    「1. of or at a low or relatively low temperature, especially when compared with the human body」的反義字

    「2. (of a person) feeling uncomfortably cold」的反義字

    「3. lacking affection or warmth of feeling; unemotional」的反義字