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  1. come clean

    • ph.
      【口】全盤托出, 招供
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    • 1. 【口】全盤托出, 招供 He came clean and confessed the whole thing. 他招供並承認一切罪行。 John came clean about his own views. 約翰把自己的看法全盤托出。
    • ph.
      【口】全盤招供; 和盤托出 I've got to come clean with you -- I was the one who broke the window. 我(向你)說實話--窗戶是我打破的。
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    • ph.
      【口】全盤托出,招供 He came clean and confessed the whole thing. 他招供並承認一切罪行。 John came clean about his own views. 約翰把自己的看法全盤托出。