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  1. come to oneself

    • ph.
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    • 1. 恢復自制力 Don't worry about his obstinate refusal to cooperate; he'll come to himself before long. 不用擔心他現在不肯合作; 很快他會恢復理智的。 The shock made her hesitate for a moment but she quickly came to herself again. 這一打擊使她躊躇片刻, 但很快就又恢復正常了。
    • 2. 甦醒過來 The robbers knocked him unconscious, and when he came to himself he was lying alone in the dark. 盜賊們把他打昏, 當他醒來時, 他發現自己躺在黑暗中。
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      (使某人)不再做傻事或不理智的事 Not until he knew the truth did he come to his senses. 他得知事實真相時才醒悟過來。
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      醒悟過來 We hope he'll come to his senses and correct his mistakes. 我們希望他能覺悟,改正錯誤。
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      醒悟過來 We hope he'll come to his senses and correct his mistakes. 我們希望他能覺悟,改正錯誤。
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      山窮水盡; 智窮力竭 I've been looking after four young children all day and I come to the end of my tether! 我整天都在照料四個小孩, 確實已筋疲力盡了!
    • ph.
      山窮水盡; 智窮力竭 I've been looking after four young children all day and I come to the end of my rope! 我整天都在照料四個小孩, 確實已筋疲力盡了!
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      問題來了再解決不遲(勿為尚未發生的事情煩惱) We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. 船到橋頭自然直, 等出了問題我們再解決不遲。
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    • ph.
      恢復自制力 Don't worry about his obstinate refusal to cooperate; he'll come to himself before long. 不用擔心他現在不肯合作;很快他會恢復理智的。