1. keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits of (space, scope, or time)
- enclose
- , incarcerate
- , imprison
- , intern
- , impound
- , hold captive
- , trap
- , shut in/up
- , keep
- , pen in/up
- , cage
- , lock in/up
- , coop (up)
- , box up/in
- , immure
- , mew up
- , fence in
- , hedge in
- , hurdle
- , rail in
- , wall in/up
- , encircle
- , surround
- , ring
- , encompass
- , hem in
- , close in
- , kettle
- , corral
- , gird
- , compass
- , restrict
- , limit
- , keep within the limits of
- , not allow to go beyond
「1. keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits of (space, scope, or time)」的反義字