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  1. connectedness

    • IPA[kəˈnɛktɪdnɪs]


    • n.
      the state of being joined or linked;a feeling of belonging to or having affinity with a particular person or group
    • noun: connectedness

    • 釋義


    • 1. the state of being joined or linked the connectedness of American business life and American sport the connectedness of local and national power
    • 2. a feeling of belonging to or having affinity with a particular person or group it's about partnering, trust, and connectedness individuals from these cultures value connectedness with family and friends
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[kəˈnektədnəs]


    • n.
      the state of being joined or linked: the connectedness of American business life and American sports the connectedness of local and national power

    Oxford American Dictionary