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  1. consistory

    • IPA[kənˈsistərē]


    • n.
      (in the Roman Catholic Church) the council of cardinals, with or without the Pope.;(in the Church of England) a court presided over by a bishop, for the administration of ecclesiastical law in a diocese.
    • noun: consistory, plural noun: consistories

    • 釋義


    • 1. (in the Roman Catholic Church) the council of cardinals, with or without the Pope.
    • (in the Church of England) a court presided over by a bishop, for the administration of ecclesiastical law in a diocese.
    • (in other Churches) a local administrative body.
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    • IPA[kənˈsɪst(ə)ri]


    • n.
      (in the Roman Catholic Church) the council of cardinals, with or without the Pope.

    Oxford Dictionary