- IPA[kənˈtinyo͞oiNG]
- without a break in continuity; ongoing
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. without a break in continuity; ongoing a continuing controversy
- persist in an activity or process: he was unable to continue with his job prices continued to fall during April
Oxford American Dictionary
- persist in an activity or process: he was unable to continue with his job prices continued to fall during April
Oxford Dictionary
- without a break in continuity; ongoing: he asked for their continued support the continued existence of the monarchy
Oxford Dictionary
- without a break in continuity; ongoing: he asked for their continued support the continued existence of the monarchy
Oxford American Dictionary
- education provided for adults after they have left the formal education system, consisting ... continuing education courses a continuing education programme
Oxford Dictionary
- education provided for adults after they have left the formal education system, consisting ... continuing education courses a continuing education program
Oxford American Dictionary
- a fraction of infinite length whose denominator is a quantity plus a fraction, which latter ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- a fraction of infinite length whose denominator is a quantity plus a fraction, which latter ...
Oxford Dictionary
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- IPA[kənˈtɪnjuːɪŋ]
- without a break in continuity; ongoing: a continuing controversy
Oxford Dictionary