- KK[ˋkɑntrə͵vɝsɪ]
- DJ[ˋkɔntrəvə:si]
- 爭論,辯論;爭議[U][C];【律】民事糾紛[C]
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 爭論,辯論;爭議[U][C] These are the facts that are beyond controversy. 這是一些無可爭辯的事實。 There was a huge controversy over the plans for the new school. 對建造新學校的計畫爭議極大。
- 2. 【律】民事糾紛[C]
- controversy的名詞複數
- 陷入爭議之中 The issue of whether capital punishment should be abolished has become mired in controversy. 是否廢除死刑的議題已陷入爭議之中。
- 陷入爭議之中 The issue of whether capital punishment should be abolished has been mired in controversy. 是否廢除死刑的議題已陷入爭議之中。
- 陷入爭議之中 The issue of whether capital punishment should be abolished has become mired in controversy. 是否廢除死刑的議題已陷入爭議之中。
- 陷入爭議之中 The issue of whether capital punishment should be abolished has been mired in controversy. 是否廢除死刑的議題已陷入爭議之中。
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈkɒntrəvɜːsi]
- 爭論 to arouse or cause bitter controversy 引起激烈爭論 to be the subject of much controversy 是很有爭議的話題