- KK[ˋkʌvɚ]
- DJ[ˋkʌvə]
- 遮蓋;覆蓋[(+with)];覆蓋……的表面[(+in/with)]
- 頂替,代替[(+for)]
- 遮蓋物;蓋子;套子[C];(書的)封面,封底[C]
過去式:covered 過去分詞:covered 現在分詞:covering
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 遮蓋;覆蓋[(+with)] Mary covered her face with her hands. 瑪麗用雙手捂住臉。
- 2. 覆蓋……的表面[(+in/with)] The highway was covered with snow. 公路被雪覆蓋著。
- 3. 掩飾;隱匿 She laughed to cover her anxiety. 她試圖以笑來掩飾她的焦慮。
- 4. 包含;適用於 These regulations cover such cases. 這些規定適用於這類情況。 His reading covers a wide range of subjects. 他閱讀的書籍涉及多種學科。
- 5. (不用被動態)行過(路程) We covered about 30 miles a day. 我們每天大約走三十英里。
- 6. 採訪,報導 Jack covered the Gulf War for CNN then. 傑克當時替美國有線新聞電視網報導海灣戰爭。
- 7. (錢)足夠付 Is the money sufficient to cover the tuition? 這筆錢付學費夠嗎?
- 8. 給……保險;使免受損失[(+against)] Are the goods covered against fire damage? 這批貨物保了火險嗎?
- 9. 用槍掩護;把槍口對準(某人)
- 10. 巡邏
- 11. 【體】(為奪球)盯住(對手);守(位)
- 1. 頂替,代替[(+for)]
- 1. 遮蓋物;蓋子;套子[C]
- 2. (書的)封面,封底[C] On the front cover of the magazine is a picture of a boy. 雜誌的封面是一張男孩的照片。
- 3. 掩護(物);掩蔽處[U] This is only the cover for their unlawful activity. 這僅僅是他們非法活動的掩護而已。
- 4. 保險[U][(+against)]
- 5. 偽裝;藉口[S]
- 6. (一副)餐具;餐席[C]
- 7. (在金融方面)承擔責任的能力
vt. 遮蓋;覆蓋
vt. 包含;適用於
「vt. 遮蓋;覆蓋;掩飾」的反義字
- 隱蔽著的
- cover的名詞複數
- 有頂棚的
- (完全)蓋住; 遮住, 裹住 Cover yourself up well. It's cold outside. 穿得暖和一些。外面很冷。
- 完全蓋住
- 隱蔽 As soon as it began to rain they took cover under a big tree. 一開始下雨, 他們就躲到一棵大樹下避雨。
- (書籍的)護封,封面紙套
- 椅套;沙發套;傢俱套
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