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  1. crippled

    • IPA[ˈkrɪpld]


    • adj.
      severely damaged or malfunctioning;(of a person) unable to walk or move normally; disabled.
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    • 1. severely damaged or malfunctioning the pilot displayed skill and nerve in landing the crippled plane his rule left the country with a crippled economy
    • 2. dated, offensive (of a person) unable to walk or move normally; disabled.
    • v.
      cause severe and disabling damage to; deprive of the ability to function normally: developing countries are crippled by their debts he was crippled by self-doubt during his career
    • n.
      a person with a severe limitation of a specified kind: an emotional cripple

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • v.
      cause severe and disabling damage to; deprive of the ability to function normally: developing countries are crippled by their debts he was crippled by self-doubt during his career
    • n.
      a person with a severe limitation of a specified kind: an emotional cripple

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈkripəld]


    • adj.
      severely damaged or malfunctioning: the pilot displayed skill and nerve in landing the crippled plane his rule left the country with a crippled economy

    Oxford American Dictionary